structural adhesives and epoxies


EK-93 / Part A EK-93 / Part B

Lens Bond Type EK-93 is a non-toxic 100% solids epoxy system that is thixotropic and will not drip, sag, or shrink. Lens Bond Type EK-93 is an excellent structural adhesive that will bond virtually all like and unlike substrates with equal strength. It consists of a two-part formulation that is mixed in a 50/50 ratio. It has been tested and has been found to be resistant to solvents, oils and humid environments.

Lens Bond Type EK-93 
4oz bottle
Lens Bond Type EK-93
16oz bottle
Lens Bond Type EK-93

Approximate Curing Times

Pre-Cure Full-Cure
Due to the fact that the viscosity is very high, once applied, the substrates are held in place immediately and pre-curing is not necessary. At 50/50 ratio- 8 hours at 70°F Pot life at 50/50 ratio- 90 minutes at 70°F (ovens or infrared lamps may be used to accelerate cure speed)

Mixing Instructions

Approximately equal amount of "A "and "B" (by volume). Variations as high as 20% will not materially affect bond strength. When desirable, one part of "A "to 2 parts of "B "may be used to increase flexibility.


Viscosity........................>25,000 cps. 
Refractive Index (full-cured)....n/a opaque 
Operational Temperature Range....-20°to 100°C 
Water Absorbtion.................<2% (after 7 days @ 22°C) 
Tensile Shear....................6800 psi 
Shrinkage on Cure................<.07% 
Specific Gravity.................Part A=1.3; Part B=1.7; 
                                 combined 1.45 at 1:1 ratio
Dielectric Strenth...............440 volts per mil
Ratio Elongation.................7% 
Shore D. Hardness................>95 
Glass Transition (Tg)............100°C to 115°C 
Shipping and Storage.............Type EK-93 needs no special handling 
                                 or storage. It should, however, be kept 
                                 away from intense light and elevated 
Shelf Life.......................18 months from date of manufacture at 
                                 room temperature. 
Size.............................4 oz, 16 oz, 90 lbs

Suggested Applications

  • As a structural adhesive, sealant, or a filler for most substrates.
  • Bonding of glass to metal, metal to metal, various composite materials to glass or metal, ceramics, and ferromagnets.

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TYPE Milbond Adhesive System

Milbond is an elastomeric-epoxy adhesive system for most glass to metal bonding applications. Milbond kits include an adequate quantity of spacer materials requested by the Military to maintain a bond layer thickness of .015" (.38mm). Milbond meets Military specification MIL-A-48611. Milbond can also be used in glass to glass, glass to plastic, metal to plastic, and metal to metal bonding.

Milbond Type I kit:

This kit contains 2 components of primer to paint substrates prior to application of adhesive and 2 components of adhesive, as well as sufficient quantity of spacer material.

Milbond Type II Kit:

This kit contains 2 components of adhesive and spacer material. This kit is used for substrates that will not be subjected to hostile environments and exhibit slightly less tensile shear strength than the Type I kit.

Milbond Adhesive System; Type I
400 gm Kit
Milbond Adhesive System; Type II
400 gm Kit
Primer Only
Additional Spacer Material

Approximate Curing Times

Mix Ratio Room Temperature
25°C (77°F)
Oven Temperature
71°C (160°F)
Epoxy 1:1
(by weight)
7 days 3 hours
Primer 1:1
(by volume)
1 hour (to touch)
24 hours (to dry)
Not Recommended


Pot Life @ 25°C...............................Primer- 8 Hours 
                                              Epoxy- 30 Min. 
Coverage at .015inch (.38mm)..................1322 sq inches 
Tensile Shear @ 25°C..........................2,099 psi
  - After 60 min @ 70°C.......................992 psi
  - After 60 min @ -50°C......................2,561 psi
  - After 10 min @ 70°C(100% R.H.)............1,892 psi
    (test to failure at .015inch bond 
    layer thickness, all failures 
    cohesive, thinner bond layers yield 
    higher results.) 
Modulus of Elasticity @ 
   -50°C......................................85,900 psi
   +20°C......................................23,000 psi
   +70°C......................................1,070 psi
     (2inch long specimens were used, 
     5 specimens per test, and the 
     crosshead speed was .2"/min) 
Mechanical Shock @ 
    (Shock pulses were approximately half 
     sinewave; 1.5 millisecond duration.)  
Linear Coefficient Of Expansion
   From (+20°C) - (-54°C).....................6.2x10-5/°C
   From (+20°C) - (+70°C).....................7.2x10-5/°C
    (2inch long (50mm) substrates were used, 
    2 substrates per test.) 
Outgassing TML (Total Mass Loss)..............0.98% 
CVCM (ASTM E595)..............................0.03%
   (Collected Volatile Condensable Material)  
Thermal Conductivity.........................300-350 x 10-5 cal/(sec)(°C)(cm)
Specific Heat @ 
   40�C.......................................3 cal/(gm)(°C)
   60�C.......................................35 cal/(gm)(°C)
   80�C.......................................48 cal/(gm)(°C) 
Specific Gravities
   Primer Resin...............................1.21
   Primer Curing Agent........................0.82
   Adhesive Part "A" 34.......................1.769
   Adhesive Part "B" 34.......................0.944
   Mixed Adhesive (1:1 Ratio).................1.23 
Shelf Life at 22°C............................1 year

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Milbond Technical Data

Milbond Glass to Metal Adhesives Systems
Interferographic Testing of Bonded Optical Mirror System


  1. Fringe Parallel to long dimension
  2. Fringe perpendicular to long dimension
  3. Fringe spread intermediate surface

*Bonded mirror assemblies were exposed to the environment temperature cycle of -62°C to +88°C in a three hour cycle for four times.

Position #1
Position #2
Position #3

Youngs Modulus v Temperature

Milbond Temperture Cycling Test

5 Laser outcouplers bonded with Milbond Glass to Metal Adhesives System were subjected to temperature cycling as shown on the graph above. 5 cycles were conducted over a fifteen day period. After each cycle a mechanical shock and vibration test was conducted. The outcouplers were then tested for leakage.

The outcouplers were tested for long term high temperture resistance as per the following schedule:

100°C - 17 hours
100°C - 24 hours
100°C - 144 hours
130°C - 69 hours
180°C - 72 hours

At the completion of these test, the outcouplers were mounted on laser and tested for output.

The results: Higher shock resistance, Higher temperature resistance, 5% higher output than previous cement used.

Summers Optical

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